Charlotte Lennox
Birth date:
4 DEC 1804
Birth place:
, , ,
Death date:
  20 AUG 1833
Death place:
  , , ,

Lennox Family

Father: Charles Lennox Duke von Richmond
Mother: Charlotte Lennox (Gordon)
Spouse: Maurice Frederick Fitzhardinge Berkeley
Mary Lennox
Charles Gordon-Lennox
John George Lennox
Georgiana Lennox of Richmond
Charlotte Lennox
Sarah Lennox
Henry Adam Lennox
William Pitt Lennox
Frederick Lennox of Richmond
Sussex Lennox of Richmond
Louisa Lennox of RIchmond
Sophia Georgina Lennox
Lt.-Col. Lord Arthur Lennox of Richmond
Jane Lennox
Swinburne Frederica Charlotte FitzHardinge Berkeley
Francis William FitzHardinge Berkeley
Frederica Charlotte Fitzhardinge Berkeley